sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

Staff Recruitment and Selection

   The recruitment and seleccion are two phases of the same process: implementation of human resources for the organization. Recruitment is an outreach activity, call attention, increase in the entry, is therefore a positive activity and inviting. The selection is an impaired activity of choice, choice and decision, input filter,
classification and therefore narrowly.

   The recruitment corresponds to attract selectively, through various techniques of disclosure to candidates who meet the minimum requirements to meet the minimum requirements that the position requires, in selecting candidates are selected from among those who have recruited more likely to adapt to the position offered.

  The specific objective selection is to choose and rank the candidate best suited to meet the needs ofthe organization.


Estructura de la oracion: (3 ejemplos) (Selecciona uno o dos parrafos de u articulo relacionado a tu area de experticia)

 - The recruitment and seleccion are two phases of the same process: implementation of human resources for the organization.
 - The specific objective selection is to choose and rank the candidate best suited to meet the needs ofthe organization.

 - The recruitment corresponds to attract selectively, through various techniques of disclosure to candidates who meet the minimum requirements to meet the minimum requirements that the position requires, in selecting candidates are selected from among those who have recruited more likely to adapt to the position offered
1.Frase nominal
The recruitment and seleccion .
The specific objective selection is to
The recruitment corresponds

2.Nucleo de la frase nominal
- recruitment and seleccion.
- specific objective
- recruitment corresponds

3.Frase verbal
- are two phases of the same process: implementation of human resources for the organization.

- choose and rank the candidate best suited to meet the needs ofthe organization.

- attract selectively, through various techniques of disclosure to candidates who meet the minimum requirements to meet the minimum requirements that the position requires, in selecting candidates are selected from among those who have recruited more likely to adapt to the position offered

final proyect - Y042

Staff Recruitment and Selection

   The recruitment and seleccion are two phases of the same process: implementation of human resources for the organization. Recruitment is an outreach activity, call attention, increase in the entry, is therefore a positive activity and inviting. The selection is an impaired activity of choice, choice and decision, input filter, classification and therefore narrowly.

   The recruitment corresponds to attract selectively, through various techniques of disclosure to candidates who meet the minimum requirements to meet the minimum requirements that the position requires, in selecting candidates are selected from among those who have recruited more likely to adapt to the position offered.

   The specific objective selection is to choose and rank the candidate best suited to meet the needs of
the organization.

A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.

1. Identificacion de palabras que no se conocen su significado: Uso del diccionario.. agrega las abreviaciones ( al menos 5 palabras)
- outreach: alcanzar más(verbo), among: entre(preposicion), therefore: por lo tanto, entry: entrada, attract: captar (verbo)

2. Tiempo verbales (selecciona 1 ejemplo para cada tiempo verbal presente en el texto)
- recruitment are two phases. PRESENTE SIMPLE
- in selecting candidate PRESENTE CONTINUO
-The selection is an impaired PASADO SIMPLE

3. Idea principal del texto (en español)

4. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)

•Palabras de contenido:  recruitment, selection

•Palabras de Función: is, of

•Verbos: actratt, needs

•Adverbio: narroly, selectively

•Adjetivo : various, process

•Artículo: the, a

•Preposiciones: in,  to

•Conjunción: and, or

•Cognados verdaderos: phases: fases, human: humano.

•cognados Falsos: implementation: ejecucion.

•Sufijo:likely, offered

•Prefijos:implementacion, increase

Organizational Climate

   The organizational climate is determined by the perception that employees have the cultural elements, this includes the feeling and the way people react against the characteristics and quality of organizational culture.

   Under the aforementioned anxiety born of an investigation whose purpose will be to highlight the importance of culture and organizational climate as determinants of the effectiveness of civilian personnel in the military context, it will allow the reflection of high management of the military organization to achieve a balance in the organizational culture in which they can interact reference groups that comprise a harmonized and committed to the same ideals.

   The importance of organizational culture and climate has been the subject of strong interest from the 80s to today, that is why this research literature is to make a collection of theoretical assumptions underpinning the development of the primary objective of this research already described previously.

A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia.
•Lea el texto y extraiga las definiciones y los marcadores del discurso.
Importancia del clima Organizacional y su Cultura

Marcadores del discurso.

B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga las palabras claves, diga si son de instrucciones, o de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.

•Marcadores de Tiempo: will

•Tipo de texto: Descriptivo

•Idea general del párrafo:  the organizational climate is determined by the perception that employees have the cultural elements, this includes the feeling and the way people react against the characteristics and quality of organizational culture.

Objectives and Strategies of Human Resource

Human Resource Management involves planning, organizing, developing and coordinating and monitoring techniques capable of promoting the efficient performance of staff, while the organization represents the means by which people who work it to achieve individual goals directly or indirectly related to the job.

We've been talking about making Human Resources strategic for decades, but organizational readiness, resistance to change, and complicated and expensive technology issues continue to get in the way. So strategic human resources remains a challenge. But, if you do the right math and talk about the bottom line, strategic human resources thinking will occur.

-¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?  TEAMWORK.

-•¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?  IDEA PRINCIPAL

- •¿Que palabras se repiten? PREPOSICION, CONJUNCION, ARTICULO

-•¿Que palabras se parecen al español? Organization, represents, archive, efficient

-•¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto? Titulo: Objectives and Strategies of Human Resource

- •¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
trata de plantear estrategias para mejorar, pero es complicado, tanto en la tecnologia como en la parte personal ya que la resistencia al cambio es dificil manejarla.

Por otro lado los objetivos principales que integran la administracion de Recursos Humanos.

viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

Funcion del Departamento de Recursos Humanos

Usually the HR function consists of areas such as recruitment and selection, hiring, training, induction and retention of staff in the company. Depending on the business or institution where the HR function operates, there can be other groups that perform different responsibilities that may be related to areas such as administration of employee payroll, handling relations with Trade Unions. To implement the strategy of the organization is key human resources management, for which it should consider concepts such as organizational communication, leadership, teamwork, negotiation and organizational culture.

1.- Usually the HR function consists of areas such as recruitment and selection, hiring, training, induction and retention of staff in the company.

Frase Nominal:  Usually the HR function
Pre.M: Usually the
Pos.M: function

Frase Verbal:  consists of areas such as recruitment and selection, hiring, training, induction and retention of staff in the company.
N: consists

2.- Depending on the business or institution where the HR function operates, there can be other groups that perform different responsibilities that may be related to areas such as administration of employee payroll, handling relations with Trade Unions 

Frase Nominal:  Depending on the business or institution where the HR function operates, there
Pre.M: Depending on the business or institution where the
Pos.M: function operates, there

Frase Verbal:  can be other groups that perform different responsibilities that may be related to areas such as administration of employee payroll, handling relations with Trade Unions
N: can be

Definicion de Recursos Humanos

In business management, human resources is called to work transferring all of the employees or associates of that organization. But more often call it the function that is responsible to select, recruit, train, employ and retain employees of the organization.
